Kavish Immigration

BC PNP Skills Immigration


Those who are skilled or semi-skilled and want to come to BC may be eligible through the province’s Skills Immigration program. People admitted through this program already have a full-time job offer from a BC-based employer for a professional, management, technical, trade or other skilled work occupation. 

This program is a points-based “invitation” system. Points are calculated based on your application responses within the BCPNP online system. There are a variety of job categories eligible within this program. One is healthcare, which is currently BC’s big focus. The other category includes those in tourism/hospitality, trucking and food processing. 

  • Applicants must have at least two years of directly-related work experience.
  • The Healthcare category includes doctors, nurses, specialists, and allied health professionals.
  • International Graduates are those who have graduated from an eligible Canadian university or college within the last three years with a valid job offer from a B.C. employer.
  • International Post-graduates are those immigrant prospects with a masters or doctorate degree in science or engineering earned within the last three years from an eligible B.C. institution.
  • Tech skilled workers may also find their path to permanent residency in BC if they have a job offer in an in-demand tech occupation.

We understand that there is a lot to know about these programs and it can be quite overwhelming. To learn more about how you might be a fit, please reach out to us. 

Skilled Worker

Healthcare Professional

International Graduate

International Post-Graduate

Entry Level and Semi-Skilled

Skills Immigration Process

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