Kavish Immigration

Humanitarian & Compassionate

A welcoming nation

Around the world, Canada is known to be a welcoming and compassionate country where those who need help are embraced and supported. For those who have come to Canada under stressful circumstances, or wish to flee to the country they are in, there is an opportunity to apply to stay in the country through the Humanitarian and Compassionate program. 

You may apply under humanitarian and compassionate grounds if you are a foreign national in Canada, and returning to your home country would cause excessive social, economic or personal hardship. Even if you would not be eligible under other programs, you can apply for humanitarian and compassionate reasons if you can prove hardship.

Also within this category are refugees, which means those who are not able to return to their home country because of fear of persecution

There are many situations which may fall under the Humanitarian and Compassionate immigration category, but there are a number of rules and circumstance that must be observed. It can be challenging to know if you’re a fit for this program or not, so if you feel you may be in the position of applying for humanitarian and compassionate immigration, reach out to us for help. 

We run all kinds of immigration Services that vow your success