Sometimes, individuals coming to Canada don’t yet have a job offer. They may not even know what work they would like to do in Canada, so having the ability to apply for a variety of jobs is very helpful. 

Consider if a father and his young-adult son are coming to Canada. The father has a job offer. The son, who doesn’t have career experience yet, would like to make money in Canada, but doesn’t know what kind of job he would like. An open work permit will give the son the flexibility he needs to pursue a fulfilling career in his new home.

To be eligible, those applying for an open permit need to be in one of these situations which may require more documentation:

  • Have applied for permanent residence in Canada.
  • Are a dependent family member of a permanent residence applicant.
  • Are a spouse or common-law partner of a Canadian worker or international student.
  • Are a refugee, refugee claimant, protected person or a family member of someone who is.
  • Are a temporary resident permit holder.
  • Are a young worker in a special program.

This can be a lot of information to deal with when considering a move to Canada. Contact us, we can help you understand your options.