Kavish Immigration

Provincial Programs for Business

Almost all of the provinces and territories have their own entrepreneur immigration programs. This gives prospective immigrants a great amount of choice in terms of where they might prefer to settle depending upon that region’s immigration rules. 

PNP or Provincial Nomination Programs are extremely diverse and have a number of requirements. While we have provided links within each program below to do more research, we understand this can be overwhelming. We’re here to help and want to discuss the kinds of things you want for your relocation to Canada. 

Because these programs are run by the individual provinces and territories, it’s important to be aware that application periods vary and may open and close without warning. Because we are specialists in this kind of immigration, we know more about the timing for applications than others.

By considering how you want to work, live and play, we’ll have a better sense of the region that will fit your needs to create a successful business. 

<British Columbia – 

The province of British Columbia offers two entrepreneur programs: Entrepreneur Immigration stream and Entrepreneur Immigration Regional Pilot Program. The difference between these two programs is that the regional pilot focuses on bringing businesses to smaller communities in BC. 

There are a number of requirements and criteria for successful applications in the programs. You can check the province’s website, or reach out to us for more details about applying.

<Alberta – 

There are four streams available for entrepreneurs to make the province of Alberta their home. The rural entrepreneur stream is for those with at least 3 years as an active business owner or manager and a minimum net worth of $300,000. The graduate entrepreneur stream doesn’t have a minimum net worth requirement, but does have education and experience demands. The foreign graduate entrepreneur stream has varying investment levels depending upon the business location. The farm stream has a requirement of six months work experience and a net worth of $500,000.

Find out more about each of the options through the farm stream information and the entrepreneur information from the province of Alberta or talk to us about Alberta’s opportunities.

<Saskatchewan – 

The province of Saskatchewan has three possible immigration programs for entrepreneurs. Two focused on business operations and one focused on farming. The minimum net worth for each of the three programs is $500,000, minimum investment and other factors vary depending upon the program or the region of the business. 

Reach out to us to discuss program details if you’re considering starting a business or farm in Saskatchewan. Or, check the province’s website

<Manitoba – 

The province of Manitoba has two business investor programs, the entrepreneur pathway (for those wanting to open a business) and the farm investor pathway (for those who want to create and operate a rural farm). Both have a requirement of a net worth of $500,000 but each program has varying needs in terms of investment funds and work experience. 

Find out about Manitoba’s opportunities by chatting with us, or check out the website for the province. 

<Ontario – 

In Ontario, there is the entrepreneur stream for existing business owners and those looking to start a new business. These individuals have minimum net worth and ownership requirements depending upon where in Ontario the business is located. The province’s website helps immigrants gain a better understanding of the application requirements, or speak with us and we can help you navigate the process. 

<Quebec – 

Quebec is one province in Canada where things are slightly different in terms of immigration. Some of Canada’s federal immigration programs don’t apply in Quebec, so if you’re thinking about settling in Quebec, please talk to us so that we can help you explore the options. 

Within the opportunities, there are immigration programs for Business People within Quebec’s immigration systems. This includes the Immigrant Entrepreneur program and the self-employed program. Both have financial requirements for net worth as well as a start-up deposit. 

If you’d like to research more about immigrating to Quebec, check the information online

<Nova Scotia – 

Nova Scotia offers an Entrepreneur stream and an International Graduate Entrepreneur stream program for those wishing to immigrate to the province and establish a business. The province is focused on bringing the right skills and features to the region to enhance economic growth. 

We are here to help you understand the differences and the requirements, but you may also view the Nova Scotia website for more details. 

<New Brunswick – 

There are two business immigration programs offered by the province of New Brunswick: Entrepreneurial stream and the Post-graduate Entrepreneurial stream. While the two programs have different and approaches to get to the end goal, that goal is common in that it is to create successful businesses in the province. 

Find out more in terms of requirements about the programs or speak to us for guidance. 

<Prince Edward Island – 

There is a Work Permit stream for business people through Prince Edward Island. It has a requirement of $600,000 minimum net worth, management experience, a business plan and more. We can help you determine if you’re a fit for PEI’s program or, you can check out more details on the province’s site

<Northwest Territories – 

There is an Entrepreneurship Business Stream in the Northwest Territories. To be considered, applicants must be willing to start a new business, purchase an existing business or invest in and operate an existing business in the territory. There are a variety of qualification factors on the website.

Or, to have personalized help navigating the process, just ask us.  

<Yukon – 

Yukon territory offers the Business Nominee Program. Applicants must meet requirements of a minimum net worth of $500,000, business, entrepreneurial and/or relevant work experience, minimum investment and other factors. We would be happy to talk to you about establishing a business in the Yukon, and you may want to review the requirements yourself